1840s: Some of the members:
EDDY, Celia
CLAPP, Ora, Alice
EDDY, Celia
CLAPP, Ora, Alice
- Circuit changed to Brewer Village, North Brewer and Eddington.
- Plans made to build current church
September 17, 1844:
a minor, for the sum of $15.00,
the money and more money was raised by other members and friends
- Land (45 square rods) sold to the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Society of
a minor, for the sum of $15.00,
- Trustees: Nathaniel MCMAHON of Eddington, Joshua KENNEY, Allen CROWELL,
- First Building Committee was headed by Rev. S. W. BEALE and Brother Allen
the money and more money was raised by other members and friends
1844 to 1872:
- Allen CROMWELL was recording steward, a total of 28 years.
- First church school started
July 5, 1845:
- Fourth quarterly conference was held in the new church.
The first stewards of the church were Nathaniel McMAHON and Isaac CLEWLEY
Fall 1845:
- Outside of the church finished and Rev. BEALE painted the building.
- A makeshift desk and rough seats built by the Rev. BEALE from leftover
Rev. BEALE was the first to preach a sermon in the new church
- Church was dedicated by the Rev. Joseph JENNES and the
- Hymn composed and sung by Mrs. PALMER, daughter
- Conference took over the church.
The record of annual expenses at that time was quarterage (meaning lodgings) $232.00; house rent $16.00; table expenses $50.00; fuel $12.00; and traveling expenses $10.00. These varied from year to year. Hours of horseback riding were necessary in 1869. Brother WARDWELL L. D., the presiding elder, travelled(sic) 1,700 miles by horse and buggy; he made 644 pastoral visits (in some places an overnight stay was necessary), and preached 140 sermons.
Matthew 16:18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Page last updated 4/26/13
Website created
by Deb Niles
by Deb Niles