North Brewer-Eddington United Methodist Church
Programs and Outreach
Wyman Fund Love Offering
The Wyman fund is a fund of the North Brewer-Eddington United Methodist Church used to assist those in our community with emergency needs. Wyman Fund Love Offering envelopes are always available in the sanctuary and can be placed in the offering plate at any time or mailed to the church office. You may also make contributions to this fund without an envelope – simply write “Wyman Fund” on the memo line of your check.
The Wyman fund is a fund of the North Brewer-Eddington United Methodist Church used to assist those in our community with emergency needs. Wyman Fund Love Offering envelopes are always available in the sanctuary and can be placed in the offering plate at any time or mailed to the church office. You may also make contributions to this fund without an envelope – simply write “Wyman Fund” on the memo line of your check.
CHEFs Food Pantry, serving Holden, Clifton and Eddington
Street Pastors Ministry:
Bags Of Love
Socks for the Homeless Program (Winter Months)
Prayer Shawl Program
House in the Woods:
Bangor Homeless Shelter Suppers
4th Sunday of every other month
- Located at 202 Kidder Hill Road, Holden (behind Holbrook School)
- Hours: Thursday 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
- Second and Fourth Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
- For more information or to make a donation call 843-7851
Street Pastors Ministry:
Bags Of Love
Socks for the Homeless Program (Winter Months)
Prayer Shawl Program
House in the Woods:
Bangor Homeless Shelter Suppers
4th Sunday of every other month
AA meetings held at NBEUMC
Every Thursday at 7pm.
Every Thursday at 7pm.
Bean Suppers
3rd Saturdays - April, May, September, October
3rd Saturdays - April, May, September, October
Partners for Peace
Penquis Cap - diapers and wipes
Penquis Cap - diapers and wipes
Park's Pond Worship/Picnic in July
Pies on the Lawn sale
Pies on the Lawn sale
UWF Christmas Fair; Benefits one of our missions
Shoestring Thrift Shop: Benefits Scholarships for Graduating Seniors in 3 high schools, vouchers given out, fire victims in our communities and more.