Weekly Events:
Sundays 10 a.m. Worship
Tuesday and Thursday "Sitercise" gentle exercise with friends 10:00 a.m.
Tuesday evenings - ZUMBA exercise dance class; come join the fun 6pm - 7pm. $40/monthly or $10 per class
Thursdays AA meets, 7 p.m.
If you need more information please contact the office at 989-4715 or via email [email protected]. Thank you.
Thursdays office hours, 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
August 14 Music concert at Ellsworth UMC , 7 p.m.
August 17 FREE “Burrito Supper” 5:00 p.m.
August 18 You are invited to join Vanceboro UMC for worship
and a potluck meal.
August 23 Pies on the Lawn sale. (only 20 pies available)
August 25 Safer Sanctuaries training after worship. Fair planning meeting after worship.
August 31 Music Festival here 6-8p.m. Please call the church and leave a message if you are interested in performing. Light refreshments will be served.
September 8 Jason & Ernie Couch Revival will share their music during
worship. “Bad Faith” documentary and discussion. Pot-luck meal?
September 21 Bean Supper 5:00pm
Loving God, we come this morning seeking to abide in your presence.
Open our minds to your spirit of wisdom, that we may know how to live as your people. Open our hearts to your spirit of truth, that we may love all your people with a love that speaks of justice, kindness, and radical grace. May this time of worship be authentic and pleasing to you.
Weekly Events:
Sundays 10 a.m. Worship
Tuesday and Thursday "Sitercise" gentle exercise with friends 10:00 a.m.
Tuesday evenings - ZUMBA exercise dance class; come join the fun 6pm - 7pm. $40/monthly or $10 per class
Thursdays AA meets, 7 p.m.
If you need more information please contact the office at 989-4715 or via email [email protected]. Thank you.
Thursdays office hours, 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
August 14 Music concert at Ellsworth UMC , 7 p.m.
August 17 FREE “Burrito Supper” 5:00 p.m.
August 18 You are invited to join Vanceboro UMC for worship
and a potluck meal.
August 23 Pies on the Lawn sale. (only 20 pies available)
August 25 Safer Sanctuaries training after worship. Fair planning meeting after worship.
August 31 Music Festival here 6-8p.m. Please call the church and leave a message if you are interested in performing. Light refreshments will be served.
September 8 Jason & Ernie Couch Revival will share their music during
worship. “Bad Faith” documentary and discussion. Pot-luck meal?
September 21 Bean Supper 5:00pm
Loving God, we come this morning seeking to abide in your presence.
Open our minds to your spirit of wisdom, that we may know how to live as your people. Open our hearts to your spirit of truth, that we may love all your people with a love that speaks of justice, kindness, and radical grace. May this time of worship be authentic and pleasing to you.